Your Care Team in the Hospital

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Your care team in the hospital

Hospitalists are physicians who have made a commitment to devote their practice to the care of hospitalized patients. Our hospitalists are all board certified in internal medicine and have distinguished themselves as excellent physicians and clinical teachers.

Who are my doctors today?

a paper with doctors' photos and namesAsk your nurse which hospitalist team you can expect to see today, then view their names and photos on their "Faces Sheet" by clicking below:

Team 10A

Team 10B

Heart & Vascular Team

How often do the Faces Sheets change?  We can train someone to upload the new PDFs to whenever they upload them to InovaNET

Who else will be caring for me?

Your care team will also include resident physicians, as well as [nurses, specialists, hospital volunteers... ??

Describe all the people / roles. What about this is RELEVANT to patients?  What kinds of info. do patients often ask for?


How we keep you safe: What if a patient's medication needs to change while they are is in the hospital? Or if they don't have their usual meds with them? Does the hospitalist become the prescriber for ALL meds?

How does the team keep patients informed of their status / diagnoses / vitals / progress? (how do we communicate w/ you, each other, and your other doctors?)

Do hospitalists put notes in Epic / MyChart?


Hospitalists work on a daily basis with staff from all the departments of the hospital, so they can help expedite your care while you are an inpatient.

They can consult with other medical staff, surgical staff, radiology, labs and more.


Tune in: Watch our video on channel 52

Patients can tune to Channel 52 in their hospital room to watch the video "Who is My Care Team?" on your in-room TV


How do I benefit from Inova Fairfax being a teaching hospital?

Since Inova Fairfax is a teaching hospital, you may also be visited by doctors who are serving as medical residents. The benefit to you, as a patient, is that you have more doctors who can make observations about your progress and contribute to your plan of care.

Watch a brief video on the physicians, including hospitalists, who will care for you during an inpatient stay at Inova Fairfax Hospital.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about hospitalists and other inpatient care providers

i. How often will I see my care team during my stay?

ii. How do I access/communicate with my care team? (e.g. Rounding/Patient folder)

iii. Does my team keep my primary care/specialist informed of my care?

iv. What if I need specialty care?

v. What is the process for Discharge? (TBD)

vi. What role does my team play after discharge?

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The stuff below may be unnecessary / information overload

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What is a hospitalist?

A hospitalist is a doctor who:

  • Works only in a hospital setting and specializes in internal medicine
  • Is in charge of your care team in the hospital and works with you to make decisions about your care
  • Guarantees that you receive the highest quality care

What is a resident or intern?

A resident or intern is a doctor who:

  • Has graduated from medical school and is now finishing medical training in the hospital
  • Helps examine you and care for you
  • Helps keep you, your family, and other doctors informed about your condition

Medical Director of the Hospitalist Division

Dr. Ashiq Mannan is the Medical Director of the Hospitalist Division at Inova Fairfax Hospital Department of Medicine. He also serves as the medical director of Patient Experience for the department. Dr. Mannan graduated from Eastern Virginia Medical School in 2002 and completed his residency at Georgetown University Hospital in 2005. He then practiced as a hospitalist in the Philadelphia area, while his wife completed her allergy fellowship, before coming to Inova Fairfax Hospital in 2008. He currently holds clinical faculty positions with the George Washington University and Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Mannan has been the editor of the Department of Medicine quarterly newsletter for the past two years and also serves as a physician advisor for case management.

Medical Hospitalist Division Leadership

(In alphabetical order)

Dr. Sameh Elgawly is an Associate Medical Director with the Hospitalist Division at Inova Fairfax Hospital. Dr. Elgawly received his medical degree from Georgetown University School of Medicine in 2004 and completed his residency in internal medicine at Georgetown University Hospital in 2007. In his role as associate director, he is responsible for directing the ED hospitalist program, staff scheduling, and is the chair for the Internal Governance Committee.

Dr. Anne Summers, MD, FACC, is the Associate Chief Medical Officer at Inova Fairfax Medical Campus. She also serves as the Medical Director of cardiac hospitalists of the Hospitalist Division and leads that program with the goal of an integrative, protocol-driven, collaborative team approach to patient care at Inova Heart and Vascular Institute, involving a collaborative team of hospitalists, cardiologists, electrophysiologists, cardiac/vascular surgeons, administrators, nurses, case managers, social workers and ancillary services to improve quality, value and patient experience.

She was the longest practicing female cardiologist in Northern Virginia as a partner in Cardiac Care Associates from 1985 to her retirement in 2011. Since then, she has enjoyed practicing part time as a hospitalist, originally with a successful private hospitalist group, and joined the Inova Medical Group hospitalist team in June 2013.

Dr. Paul Weisbruch, MD, MBA, is an Associate Medical Director with the Hospitalist Division. He also serves as Medical Director of Strategic Initiatives for the Department of Medicine, which includes oversight of physician documentation and the department’s at-risk compensation plan. Dr. Weisbruch received his MD degree from Georgetown University School of Medicine in 2010 and completed his residency in internal medicine at Georgetown University Hospital in 2013. He also completed an MBA in healthcare management and finance from Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School. Dr. Weisbruch holds clinical faculty positions with George Washington University and Virginia Commonwealth University. He also practiced at Inova Mount Vernon Hospital, where he helped launch their hospitalist division in 2013.

Medical Hospitalist Division Staff

(In alphabetical order)

Dr. Alita Mishra (above) is Director of Education and Program Director for Inova's Internal Medicine Residency Program.

Dr. Gregory Trimble (above) is Vice Chair for the Department of Medicine.

Dr. Chalapathy Venkatesan (above) is Vice Chair for the Department of Medicine.

Dr. John Paul Verderese (above) is Section Chief of Internal Medicine for the Department of Medicine.

Medical Hospitalist Division Advanced Practice Providers

Med Hospitalist APPs

Left to Right:

  • Sarah Bannon, PA
  • Margaret Holbrook, NP
  • Yaa Serwaah, NP
  • Darrell Alinea-Garcia, NP
  • Katie Cummings, PA

Not Pictured:

  • Nikki Cho, PA
  • Dany Dalencourt, NP
  • Rodeline Dalge, NP
  • Elizabeth Healy, NP

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