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MyChart FAQs
About MyChart
MyChart offers patients personalized and secure online access to portions of their medical records. It enables you to securely use the Internet to help manage and receive information about your health.
With MyChart, you can use the Internet to:
- Request or schedule medical appointments with your Inova or Valley Health primary care physician
- View your health summary from the MyChart electronic health record
- View test results
- Request prescription renewals
- Access trusted health information resources
- Communicate electronically and securely with your primary care provider
- Pay your bill
Is there a fee to use MyChart?
MyChart is a free service offered to our patients.
Who can sign-up for MyChart?
Anyone with an Inova/Valley Health provider can sign up for MyChart. You must be at least 18 years old to sign-up for MyChart. Patient parents/guardian can request proxy access for a child between the ages of 0-11 years old. Patients or parents of patients between the ages of 12-17 will not be able to have MyChart access.
Who do I contact if I have further questions?
Call our MyChart Patient Support Line toll free at 1-855-694-6682.
How do I sign up?
Patients who wish to participate may sign up during their visit or receive an activation code on their visit summaries. This code will enable you to login and create your own user ID and password. You may access your MyChart account by logging on to If you were not issued an activation code, you may call your primary care clinic to get one or ask to sign up during you next office visit. If you have misplaced your code from your hospital stay, you may call our MyChart Patient Support Line toll free at 1-855-694-6682.
My activation code does not work, what should I do?
For your security, your activation code expires after 60 days and is no longer valid after the first time you use it. If you continue to experience difficulty logging-in, call our MyChart Support Line at 1-855-694-6682.
Is my activation code my user ID?
No, your activation code is not your MyChart ID or password. You will use this code only once to log into MyChart for the first time. (The code will expire after you have used it or after 60 days). When you log into MyChart the first time, you will then be asked to create your own unique MyChart ID and password.
Can you send me a new activation code as I have lost it, let it expire or did not receive it?
Contact us at 1-855-694-6682 and after we verify your information, a new code will be sent to you.
How do I choose a MyChart ID and password?
Choose a MyChart ID and password that is easy for you to remember, but hard for others to guess. Your MyChart ID must be between five and nine characters, but cannot include symbols. If you forget your MyChart ID please call MyChart support at 1-855-694-6682.
Your MyChart password must be a minimum of seven characters and must contain at least one number and one letter. Your password cannot include symbols. Please keep in mind that only you will know your and password. Customer Service will not have access to this information.
I forgot my MyChart ID and/or password. How do I get a new one?
If you have forgotten your MyChart ID or password, you may click on the corresponding link on the sign-up page. When you click on the “Forgot User ID” link you will be prompted to enter your first name, last name, last four numbers of your Social Security number and date of birth. Once the Information is matched your ID will be emailed to you.
When you click the "Forgot Password" link, you will be prompted to enter your MyChart ID, the last four numbers of your Social Security number and date of birth. Next, answer the password reset question you created when you first signed up for MyChart. After answering the password reset question, you will be asked to select a new password.
Alternatively, you may call the MyChart Support Line at 1-855-694-6682 to get live assistance with retrieving your MyChart ID. You will be given a new access code to sign in to MyChart. Once you have entered your access code, the last four numbers of your Social Security number and date of birth, your original MyChart ID will appear in the MyChart ID field. Our support staff can also assist with getting a new, secure password.
How does the password reset question and answer work?
When you signed up for MyChart you were asked to enter a password reset question. This will allow you to reset your password if you forget it or want to change it for security reasons. Common password reset questions are “What is your mother's maiden name?” or “What is your favorite color?” Enter the answer to your password reset question. For example, if your password reset question was “What is your favorite color?” your password-reset answer is the name of your favorite color. Please keep in mind that your password reset answer cannot be the same as your MyChart password.
If some of my health information on MyChart is not correct, what should I do?
Your MyChart information comes directly from your electronic medical record at your doctor's office. Ask your doctor to correct any inaccurate information at your next clinic visit. Your health information is reviewed and updated in your electronic medical record during each visit. If the medical information was gathered during a hospitalization, a written request for an amendment must be submitted to medical records as per Inova/Valley Heath policies.
How do I update/edit my medication list in MyChart?
You can request a medication list update via MyChart. Once your healthcare provider confirms changes, updates will be reflected in MyChart. To request an update, you may click on the “View them or request additional updates” link. Click your current medication list which has red delete “–“ symbols. Click on the “–“ to request that these medications be removed. At the bottom of your medication list there will be an option to “Add a Medication to be verified." If you wish to add a new medication, click on the plus “+” sign. The following screen displays a search field, type in the name of the medication and click search. Select the medication name and dose from the options provided. Select a start date. You will see the new medications that you have added on a list “Medications you’ve asked to be added."
What should I do if I don't understand my health information?
If you do not understand your health information in MyChart, call your primary care physician for clarification or discuss your questions with him/her during your next clinic visit.
Can my Inova/Valley Health primary care physician contact me through MyChart?
Yes, your providers may release new test results, recommend that you make a follow-up appointment, provide you with additional instructions, or ask you to call his or her office to discuss your test results. Be sure to login to MyChart often to check for new information.
How can I initiate communication with my provider through MyChart?
If you have had a scheduled appointment within the past year or scheduled within the next month, you may select your provider’s name from “Message Center” under the get medical advice dropdown list.
If I send a message to my doctor or nurse, when can I expect a reply?
You will generally receive an answer within one to three business days. Please note that MyChart should not be used for urgent situations. IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING AN URGENT MEDICAL PROBLEM, CALL 911 OR YOUR PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY.
My preventive care recommendations don't seem right to me. What do I need to do?
Preventive care procedures are suggested based on your age and gender and in some cases a specific diagnosis you may have. You are encouraged to discuss this information with your primary care physician during your next visit. Your primary care physician can override preventive care recommendations that may not apply to your specific situation.
Why is the "last done" date on a preventive care procedure wrong?
The "Last Done" date on your preventive care procedure may not have been recorded if the procedure or test was not performed at Inova/Valley Health. If you see a date that is inaccurate for a preventive care procedure performed at Inova/Valley Health, please discuss it with your primary care physician at your next visit so the record can be updated.
Why can I only schedule certain appointments using MyChart?
MyChart may not have the capability to schedule complex appointments. If you are having difficulty scheduling appointments with multiple caregivers or for multiple patients (such as two or more children), please call your clinic directly.
Can I view upcoming appointment times in MyChart?
Yes. You can view the details of your upcoming appointment and even confirm your appointment. If a button does not appear to the left of an upcoming appointment, you will not be able to cancel that appointment using MyChart. Please call your clinic to cancel this appointment.
Who sees my request for an appointment or an appointment cancellation?
These requests are routed to appointment schedulers. Your doctor will not see this information. Please do not include any personal health information with an appointment request or an appointment cancellation.
If you see that you are overdue for a regularly scheduled preventive care item please request an appointment with your primary care provider through the MyChart appointment request.
Can I schedule an appointment for someone other than myself?
Yes. You can schedule an appointment for someone if you have received proxy access to that person’s information as described above. To schedule an appointment follow the same steps as if you were scheduling an appointment for yourself.
Why don't all my medications show up in my MyChart record?
Prescriptions written outside of Inova or Valley Health will not appear on your medication list unless they are documented by your Inova/Valley Health provider in your electronic medical record.
What information should I provide for a prescription renewal?
You should update your preferred pharmacy when requesting a prescription renewal.
Who sees my request for a prescription renewal?
Many people on your healthcare team are involved with these types of requests. Please do not include personal health information intended for your doctor. A prescription renewal is not a method by which to communicate electronically with your physician on health related matters.
How long does it take if I request a prescription renewal through MyChart?
Every attempt is made to process prescription renewals within 24 hours of receipt during normal business hours. If you submit your request on a weekend or holiday, it will be received and processed the following business day.
Why do some of my medications listed say "contact your prescribing provider" where the doctor's name should be?
Your primary care physician will document all medications in your electronic medical record. If your primary care physician did not originally prescribe the medications but documented them in your record, you will see "contact your prescribing provider" in the provider information listed on the medication page. Medications in this category cannot be renewed through MyChart.
Why is the "Request a Renewal" link missing for some of my medications?
Medications that have been documented – but not prescribed – by an Inova physician cannot be renewed through MyChart. The "Request a renewal" link won't show up in this case.
How do I see my test results?
Click on the "My Medical Record" menu and select the "Test Results" link. On the "Test Results" page, click anywhere within the row to display the results for that test. For labs resulted during hospitalization, select “Click to include labs taken during hospital stays.”
When can I see my test results in MyChart?
Your test results are released to your MyChart account after your physician has reviewed them. This is generally within 1-12 days. If you feel that your test results should be available but you don't see them in MyChart, it is best to call your physician’s office to discuss the test results.
Why are certain test results not shared electronically via MyChart?
Your provider is able to determine which types of test results can be accessed through MyChart. Further, tests of a very sensitive nature are not released to MyChart.
Can I see radiology images through MyChart?
The text portion of radiology reports can be viewed in MyChart and are released at the discretion of the ordering physician. Radiographic images are not transmitted through MyChart at this time. If you would like to obtain an image, you may request it from the Health Information Management (Medical Records) department.
Can I view a family member's health record in MyChart?
Yes you can. This is called proxy access and allows a parent (or guardian) to log into their personal MyChart account and then connect to information regarding their family member. Proxy access to MyChart can be established between a parent or guardian and a child between the ages of 0-11 years old (see below). Upon the child's 12th birthday access is automatically deactivated.
MyChart Proxy Form for Adults 
MyChart Proxy Form for Pediatrics
Can my spouse and I share one MyChart account?
No, due to the sensitive nature of medical information, each adult must sign and establish his/her own MyChart account.
How do I get access to my child’s information?
To receive access to your child’s information, complete the MyChart Proxy Form for Pediatrics
and return it to Inova staff at one of our medical facilities. A form needs to be completed for each person requesting access. For example, if both parents want access to their child's or children's chart, each parent must complete the proxy form. Proxy access must then be established electronically from within the child’s medical record.
If my child is 12 or older, how do I access their information?
Because of privacy concerns that arise with adolescents, MyChart access is restricted for both the parent and/or child between the ages of 12-17 years old (inclusive). However, you may retrieve a copy of your child’s medical records by contacting the Health Information Management (medical records) department.
Can a legal guardian have access to a patient’s MyChart?
Yes, proxy access is given to court appointed legal guardians. In order to have access granted you will need to provide a copy of the court order that grants the legal guardian access to the patient’s medical record. Attach a copy of the court document to the proxy access form and return to address on the form. If you have a family member with diminished capacity under your care, you may establish MyChart proxy access from their provider’s office.
MyChart Proxy Form for Adults 
MyChart Proxy Form for Pediatrics
Where can I request an update to my personal information (e.g., home address, email or change my password)?
Log into MyChart and from the left menu, go to the Preferences section and select “Change Address."
Why am I not receiving emails alerting me when there is new information in MyChart?
MyChart will automatically send you an email when you have new information in your MyChart account. If you are not receiving emails please verify that we have your current email address on file. To verify your email address or to set notification settings, click on the preferences tab and select the “Notification” link to review. You may also want to check your browser settings to make sure MyChart emails are not being sent to junk mail.
Can emancipated minors have access to their MyChart record?
Not at this time. A person must be 18 years of age or older to have access to MyChart.
How can I get a comprehensive copy of my medical records?
You can obtain your complete medical records or just abstracts by contacting the Health Information Management (Medical Records) department. While in MyChart, click on the "My Medical Records" tab and select "Requested Records." Click on the green Inova hyperlink and select the Authorization to Release/Disclose Protected Health Information form in your preferred language. Print out the form, complete it and submit it to the Medical Records office where you received your care. Alternatively, you can contact your Inova provider’s office for outpatient visits.
How is MyChart secure?
We take great care to ensure your health information is kept private and secure. Access to information is controlled through secure activation codes, personal IDs and passwords. Each person controls his or her password, and the account cannot be accessed without that password. Further, MyChart uses the latest 128-bit SSL encryption technology with no caching to automatically encrypt your session with MyChart. Unlike conventional email, all MyChart messaging is done while you are securely logged on to our website.
What is your privacy policy?
MyChart is owned and operated by Epic and is fully compliant with federal and state laws pertaining to your privacy. Your name and email address will be treated with the same care and privacy given your health records and will never be sold or leased by MyChart.
I was logged out of MyChart. What happened?
We aim to protect your privacy and security of your information. While logged into MyChart, if your keyboard remains idle for 20 minutes or more, you will be automatically logged out of MyChart. We recommend that you log out of your MyChart session if you need to leave your computer for even a short period of time.
What do I need to use MyChart?
You need access to a computer connected to the Internet and an up-to-date browser (such as Internet Explorer).
What Internet browser should I use?
MyChart works best on Internet Explorer 9 or higher and Mozilla Firefox 3.5 and higher. You can download both browsers for free. For Internet Explorer, go to For Firefox, go to
Can I access MyChart on my smartphone?
Yes. The MyChart® mobile application is currently available for your Apple© or Android™ device. You must have an existing Inova MyChart username and password to use the application. Download the MyChart app in the App Store or on Google Play. Then, click on Inova Health System as your healthcare provider and login with your MyChart username and password. If you need assistance downloading the app, please contact our support team at 1-855-694-6682.