Smoking Policy

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Smoking Policy

In keeping with our mission to improve the health of the diverse community we serve, Inova Health System has put in place a tobacco-free policy. The policy bans tobacco use of any kind in our facilities and anywhere on our grounds, and applies to everyone, including our patients, visitors and staff. In adopting this policy, Inova joins more than 400 hospitals and health systems nationwide that have similar policies in place.

If you currently use tobacco, we can offer you medicine that will help you not use tobacco while you are a patient at Inova. Please keep in mind that, during your stay here, you may not leave the nursing unit to use tobacco products. If you use tobacco while you are a patient under our care, we may contact your physician to discuss whether you should be discharged. This policy protects you from the ill effects of tobacco use (such as slower healing times) and protects other patients in the hospital from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke.

Please tell your family members and visitors about our policy so that they understand they cannot use tobacco products in our facilities or anywhere on our grounds while they are visiting you. We have signage posted throughout our facilities that also indicates our new policy.

We understand that the decision to use tobacco products is a personal one. We are not asking anyone to quit using tobacco, only to refrain from doing so on our campuses. If you or a loved one would like assistance with quitting, we can help. Please ask our staff about Inova's tobacco-cessation resources.

Thank you for your compliance with our tobacco-free campus policy.


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