Safety & Satisfaction

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Safety & Satisfaction

Good communication is a key to having a positive hospital experience and being involved in decisions regarding your healthcare. Here are some ideas and resources that may help you explain your needs to your healthcare team.

  • Know the names of the people taking care of you and what they do.
  • Keep a list of your questions and the important information that you think your healthcare team should know.
  • Let your doctors and staff know when you do not understand or cannot hear what they are saying to you.
  • Ask a family member or friend to be with you during discussions about your treatment plan. This person can help you by taking notes, listening to you and asking important questions that you might not think to ask.
  • If you are unhappy about any of the hospitals services or need help of any kind, contact the hospital patient representative to help resolve your concerns.
  • Use the hospital Ethics Committee as a resource for facilitating discussion about a medical-ethical dilemma. Contact the Ethics Committee through your nurse, physician, social worker or patient representative