Inova Alexandria Hospital Foundation
Inova Alexandria Hospital Foundation is comprised of more than 25 dedicated community leaders committed to raising critical funds for various hospital initiatives and building projects.
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Board of Trustees
Donald Simpson, Jr., Chairman
Donnan C. Wintermute, Vice Chair
Suzanne S. Brock, Treasurer
Kathy B. Hirsch, Secretary
Daniel R. Abramson
Barbara J. Becker
George H. C. Berger
E. Hunt Burke
Susan Carroll, CEO
Dr. Robert H. Dugger
The Honorable William D. Euille
Joe Hadeed
Mitchell S. Hailey
Val P. Hawkins, Sr.
John Kling, DDS
Christopher T. Lindsay
Elizabeth H. Micklem
Seema Nawaz
C. Stephen Shaw, Jr.
Dean C. Shaw
Lauren Stack
Keith M. Sterling, MD
Jeffrey Veatch
The 1872 Society
The 1872 Society was named in honor of the generous community members who founded Alexandria Hospital in December of 1872. The Society was formed to recognize those who embody the same spirit as the founders of the hospital. It also encourages annual support that is critical to the future of Inova Alexandria Hospital.
Read more about the 1872 Society
The Board of Lady Managers
The Board of Lady Managers was formed in 1872, under the vision and leadership of Julia Johns, to help establish and manage a “hospital for the sick,” known today as Inova Alexandria Hospital. For over 140 years, The Board has worked to build and strengthen the hospital and provide significant improvements in its medical technology and patient care.
Read more about The Board of Lady Managers 
The Twig
The Twig is a 501c(3) non-profit volunteer organization that raises funds through a variety of sales, events, and sponsorships. Founded as a small branch of the tree that represents the hospital, the Twig has been a premier service and social organization for women in Alexandria since 1933.
Read more about The Twig