General Emergency Medicine Rotation: Online Reading and Quizzes

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General Emergency Medicine Rotation:
Online Reading and Quizzes

Required Reading/Video (2):

1) READING: Approach to the Undifferentiated Patient

2) VIDEO: Patient Presentations in Emergency Medicine
(Note that there is also an excellent article on this page that also illustrates the principles of a well-crafted Emergency Medicine presentation)

Study Guides and Quizzes (12):

General/Adult Topics:

1. Shock and Sepsis learning guides and quiz

2. Cardiac Arrest learning guides and quiz

3. Abdominal Pain learning guides and quiz

4. Trauma learning guides and quiz

5. Chest pain and ACS learning guides and quiz

6. Neurologic Emergencies learning guides and quiz

7. Respiratory learning guides and quiz

8. Environmental Emergencies learning guides and quiz

Pediatric Topics:

9. Infections learning guides  and quiz

10. Respiratory/CV learning guides  and quiz

11. Surgical learning guides  and quiz

12. Trauma learning guides  and quiz

Recommended Readings:

The following material is not required, but is overall HIGHLY recommended reading. Please take the time to review if time permits!