Back to Inova Joint Replacement Center
Patient Education for Joint Replacement Patients
Are you scheduled for surgery at Inova Mount Vernon?
Prepare for your joint replacement surgery at Inova Joint Replacement Center with these convenient online tools
Download the Joint Replacement Patient Guide 
Watch the Videos
Please view this video first, to learn important things to know in preparation for your surgery.
Please view this Inova joint replacement pre-operative overview video.
Prepare with Your Coach
Please watch this video with your coach to learn more about what to expect before, during and following your joint replacement surgery. Once you have finished watching both videos, please take the quiz.
Watch the video 
Take the Quiz

After viewing the videos, please take this required short quiz. The quiz assures you that you are well-prepared for your surgery, and helps us know about any items about which you may need more education.
Take the quiz 
A good coach makes the difference!
A coach can be any family member or friend who commits to providing support to a patient as they go through the joint replacement surgical process.
Required coach participation
We highly recommend that a coach be present at the following “checkpoints.” If the same coach cannot be present at all, you may elect
an alternate coach to stand in:
- Pre-operative clinic
- Online video and quiz
- Day of surgery
- Physical therapy session(s) observation
Download our printable coach guide with more details and important pre- and post-op information 
Join our online discussion board
Inova Joint Replacement Center is pleased to provide an opportunity for social networking with other joint replacement patients. Enjoy communicating with other patients who have recently gone through a joint replacement surgery at the Inova Joint Replacement Center at Inova Mount Vernon Hospital. You may want to join in a general conversation, or connect with others who are scheduled to undergo the same surgical experience based on:
- type of joint
- type of procedure
- surgeon
Share words of wisdom, tips for recovering at home, and rehabilitation expectations. All you need is an internet connection. Visit to get started. (A new web browser window will open.)
Click here for printable instructions