Case Conferences
The Inova Department of Medicine offers a wide range of core and subspecialty conferences, and recruits distinguished speakers from both the hospital medical staff and the local community of private physicians.
In addition to the daily noon lecture series, several conferences have been designed to enhance the learner's experience.
- Resident Case Report: Supervised by the chief medical resident. Cases from the medicine teaching service are presented by residents. Program director, attending faculty and subspecialists are in attendance. Occurs Monday and Wednesday through Friday at 12PM.
- Journal Club: Supervised by the chief medical resident with assistance from core faculty, program director, EBM champions from the Dept of Medicine. The article chosen is based on a clinical question from the resident's ward experience at IFMC, and then reviewed using the McMaster criteria. Occurs once a month. A designated faculty expert, staff epidemiologist, and a reference librarian are also present.
- Evidence-Based Medicine Case Report: Supervised by the chief medical resident with moderation and face-to-face feedback given by program director, associate program director and teaching faculty. Case is focused to the resident level, mostly on a particular management question rather than differential diagnosis. Residents devise a clinical question based on an active clinical case and demonstrate the PICO format. Reference librarians are assigned and are present weekly. Residents present their search criteria on how “best evidence” was gathered and come to a conclusion regarding their clinical question. Occurs once a month.
- Simulation Modules:These sessions are individualized during the PGY 1 year and are held in the Inova Center for Advanced Medical Simulation (ICAMS) and focus on central line placement, airway management, ultrasound, hemodynamics, and lumbar puncture. Supervised by critical care faculty.
- Medicine Pathology Radiology Conference: Occurs once a month. Presented by the chief resident with chairman, program director, associate program director and teaching faculty in attendance. One representative physician from pathology and radiology are present. Pertinent subspecialists as related to the case are invited and participate in the discussion. A case from the medicine teaching service is reviewed, followed by pertinent radiology and microscopic pathology. Subspecialists assist with questions related to specialty specific management.
- Chief of Service/Chairman’s Rounds: Occurs on monthly basis run by the chairman and chief resident. In general, the more complicated and challenging cases are picked for this session. The case is presented by a second- or third-year resident. It is attended by the program director, associate program director and teaching faculty.
- Administrative Morning Report: Run by chief resident at least twice a month. Residents review duty hours, patient care pitfalls or system problems encountered during patient care, and transitions of care. Focus is on finding solution, self-reflection, and quality improvement ideas and is non-punitive in nature. Forum is open only to resident members. Suggestions and ideas from the session are discussed with the program director and academic committee by chief residents.
- Rapid Response Curriculum: Run by chief resident in ICAMS one to two times per month. Covers management of unstable rhythms, hypotension, and adult code scenarios.
- Internal Medicine Noon Conference Lecture Series:Occurs daily except on days of Grand Rounds or Educational Grand Rounds or other monthly specialized conferences listed here. Internists and sub-specialists provide interactive case based lectures on core topics in medicine. This series includes all internal medicine sub-specialty topics as well as ethics, global health, health information technology and palliative care.
- Internal Medicine Grand Rounds: Hospital-wide lecture on an internal medicine topic, usually describing new therapies or paradigms, given by local or national experts. Occurs once a week on Tuesdays.
- Educational Grand Rounds: Hospital-wide lecture given once a month on topics applicable to all residents across all residency programs and all teaching faculty. Attendance is required of both faculty and residents. Examples include fatigue/sleep deprivation, effective teaching, cultural competence, and documentation.
- Patient Safety Conference (formerly M and M): Occurs on a monthly basis, presented by the chief resident with input from residents. Chairman, program director, associate program director, hospitalists, critical care faculty and subspecialists are present. A case which presents opportunities for practice based learning and system based improvement is reviewed. Residents and teaching faculty interact to determine what the salient learning points would be for similar cases in the future. Pathology and autopsy information is reviewed when possible. Representatives from other departments such as pathology, surgery, radiology are also in attendance when applicable to the case.
- Physical Diagnosis Rounds: Weekly session for medical students and interested residents for bedside teaching of physical diagnosis.
- Didactic/Teaching Attending Rounds: Occurs daily by the designated teaching faculty for the team. Will be in addition to patient management rounds and may include bedside teaching, lectures, or detailed discussions about specific patients on the service. Teaching attendings and teams may also utilize this time to perform mini-CEX, multidisciplinary rounds, perform discharge appointments, use ‘teachback’, give feedback, and review documentation and residents’ teaching abilities.
- Cost-Conscious Curriculum: Occurs every other month and is moderated by the chief resident, program director and physician advisor for case management. It is modeled after the American College of Physicians cost- conscious curriculum. Applicable charges, finances related to active cases are discussed and utility of diagnostic testing and cost of care are reviewed.
Introduction to the Practice of Medicine 
Transitions of Care: Teach-Back Module 
Hopkins PEAC Online Internal Medicine Curriculum - Login
Yale Office-Based Internal Medicine Curriculum - Login
*In addition to the above, each sub-specialty rotation has its own weekly conference as well as journal club where applicable.
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