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Robotic-Assisted Surgery at Inova Loudoun Hospital
Learn why robotic-assisted surgery may be your best treatment option
Inova Loudoun Hospital offers the latest technology in minimally-invasive robotic surgery utilizing the daVinci® Surgical System. Robotic-assisted surgery puts your surgeon's hands at the controls of a robotic platform so refined that even
the most complex, delicate procedures can be performed through very small incisions with unmatched precision.

Medical Director Gregory Schenk, MD, with the da Vinci console |
Patient testimonials: Hear stories from three Inova
About da Vinci: Dr. Jennifer Young gives an overview of the da
Vinci surgical system
Preparing for your Procedure: Get important pre-op information here
Types of robotic-assisted surgery available at Inova Loudoun Hospital
General surgery
- Abdominal exploration, lysis of adhesions
- Bowel surgery (colon resection)
- Cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) – can be performed using the single-site robotic-assisted technique
- Hernia repair
- Nissen (anti-reflux procedure)
Gynecologic surgery
- Hysterectomy (uterus removal) – can be performed using the single-site robotic-assisted technique
- Myomectomy (fibroid removal)
- Oopherectomy (ovary removal)
Urology and urogynecologic surgery
- Adrenalectomy (adrenal removal)
- Cystectomy (bladder removal)
- Nephrectomy (kidney removal)
- Partial Nephrectomy (kidney mass removal)
- Prostatectomy (prostrate removal)
- Pyeloplasty (renal pelvis repair)
- Sacrocolpopexy (prolapse repair)
- Nephroureteroctomy (removal of kidney and ureter)
Benefits of robotic surgery
The advantages of robotic surgery for the patient are significant and may include:
- Shorter hospital stay
- Less blood loss
- Fewer complications
- Less need for narcotic pain medicine
- Faster recovery
- Smaller incisions resulting in minimal scarring
Read our Frequently Asked
Questions to learn more about the benefits of robotic-assisted surgery.
Our team
To find a robotic-assisted surgeon at Inova Loudoun Hospital, view our list
of participating physicians here or call 1-855-MY-INOVA (1-855-694-6682).