Patient Information
We can provide better healthcare when you and your family work together as partners with our staff. It is our responsibility to advise you of your rights as a patient; you also have responsibilities in your treatment and care. We urge you to ask questions, be proactive and take an active part in your healthcare plan. If you have questions or concerns, please discuss these with any staff member or contact the surgery center’s Administrator.
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Patient Rights & Responsibilities - English 
Patient Rights & Responsibilities - Farsi 
Patient Rights & Responsibilities - Korean 
Patient Rights & Responsibilities - Spanish 
Patient Rights & Responsibilities - Vietnamese 
Privacy Practices
Privacy Practices - English 
Privacy Practices - Farsi 
Privacy Practices - Korean 
Privacy Practices - Spanish 
Privacy Practices - Vietnamese 
Making Healthcare Decisions - Advance Directives
None of us likes to think about how we would want healthcare delivered to us if we became critically ill or unable to communicate. But it is important to make these essential and very personal decisions – known as advance directives – before
needing them.
- Please read and/or print our Advance Directives Policy

- Visit the webpage "Making Healthcare Decisions" for general information about Advance Directives and to find official Medical Advance Directive
documents for Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and West Virginia. These documents are are available in eight
- Amharic
- Arabic
- English
- Farsi
- Korean
- Somali
- Spanish
- Urdu
- Vietnamese