Preparing for Surgery at Inova Woodburn Surgery Center
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Preparing for Surgery (English) 
Pre-Procedural Testing Information Worksheet 
Pre-Procedural Interview Worksheet

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The week before your surgery
- Your surgeon will schedule the date and time of your procedure with the Surgical Services Scheduler and determine the length of your stay.
- It is important to notify your surgeon’s office if there is any change in your health status before your surgery such as a cold, sore throat, cough, fever or flu-like symptoms, infection or rash at surgical site. Please DO NOT wait until day of surgery.
You will:
- Need to call 703-776-2000 to schedule your phone interview with a nurse who will:
- Review your medical, surgical and family history.
- Discuss with you any additional testing needed and dietary restrictions required by anesthesia.
- Answer any questions you may have about your upcoming visit to this Inova surgery center. On average, the interview takes 45 minutes.
- Complete the pre-procedural interview worksheet prior to your interview.
- Follow and complete your procedural preparation, if ordered.
Pre-procedural testing information
If your physician has ordered other preoperative testing, discuss with the nurse during your interview whether you may come to the Inova Pre-Procedural Evaluation Clinic to have the tests completed. No appointment is necessary. If a medical clearance is needed, we can facilitate the appointment for you. If you will need to have tests completed, please print and fill out the
Pre-Procedural Testing Information Worksheet.
Pre-procedural Evaluation Clinic
3300 Gallows Road, Falls Church, VA 22042
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday, 7 a.m – 7 p.m. Last lab service is at 6:45 p.m.
Other laboratory service locations
Inova Laboratories also offers appointments for lab work and testing through out the northern Virginia area. See Inova Laboratories locations and hours
Important preoperative instructions
The following instructions are designed to provide you with a safe and comfortable surgical and anesthesia experience. Please follow all instructions carefully.
- Notify your doctor if you develop any sign of illness before the date of your surgery. Report symptoms such as: high fever, sore throat, or other infection, breathing difficulties or chest pain.
- Please arrange for someone to drive you home. For your safety, you will not be allowed to drive home after sedation or anesthesia. A responsible adult must be present to accompany you home when you are ready to leave.
- If you are having surgery through Gastroenterology Service or an eye procedure, your ride must stay throughout.
- We strongly recommend that all patients have an adult at home with them for the first 24 hours after surgery.
Day before your procedure
- Be sure to monitor your overall health – it is important to notify your surgeon’s office if there is any change in your health status.
- Prepare what to bring with you. We recommend packing lightly.
- Unless you were given specific instructions by your physician, please shower or bathe the night before or the morning of surgery with an Antibacterial Soap.
Solids and Non-Clear Liquids
Clear Liquids
For procedures that start before 8 a.m., stop all solid foods at 11 p.m. the evening before.
For all procedures that start at 8 a.m. or after, no solids after midnight.
No gum, mints, candy or ice chips allowed.
Stop all clear liquids at 4 hours prior to arrival time.
Examples of clear liquid include water, carbonated beverages, Gatorade, clear tea, and black coffee.
For all liquids that are not clear (e.g., milk) refer to guidelines for solids.
Breast Milk
Non-Human Milk/Infant Formula
Feeding must end 6 hours prior to arrival time.
Feeding must end 8 hours prior to arrival time. Do NOT add cereal to formula.
Day of surgery
- All procedures: Arrive two hours prior to your procedure time.
- Bring a legal ID (the same ID you used when scheduling surgery with your doctor).
- Bring your health insurance card and pharmacy / prescription card.
- Bring a form of payment (cash, check, or credit card).
- Write down telephone numbers of people you wish to call.
- Bring your eyeglasses and case. Do not wear contact lenses. If you have contact lenses, please leave them at home.
- Bring your dentures – we will provide a container.
- Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing that will be easy to put back on after surgery. A gown will be provided for you to wear during your procedure.
- Do not wear any makeup the day of your procedure; if you forget, you must remove makeup before you arrive.
- Do not swallow any water before your surgery. You may brush your teeth and gargle but do not swallow any water.
- Valuables and jewelry should be left at home.
- Follow eating and drinking restrictions as instructed by surgeon and/or pre-procedural services nurse.
Special instructions for children:
- Bring a favorite small toy (doll, blanket, stuffed animal)
- Follow doctor’s dietary restrictions especially the morning of procedure
- Inova's Child Life Program offers a personal tour to prepare you and your child for your child’s procedure. To schedule a tour, please contact 703-776-6486.
- Patients under 18 years old must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian for any required pre-admission testing. On the day of surgery, a parent or legal guardian must be present to sign an Informed Consent prior to surgery and must remain in the hospital throughout the entire process.
Your onsite pre-op team
After you have registered at the Surgical Services Registration Desk (waiting area), we will notify our Preoperative Team to prepare your pre-op room.
Once your preoperative room is ready, a team member will come out to escort you to your room. A member of your family or companion may accompany you if you wish.
You will be asked to use the restroom. Women may be asked to give a urine specimen. When you reach your room, you will be asked to change into a hospital gown. You will meet the following members of our surgical team who will verify your name and procedure, review your medical information, and obtain your Surgical Consent:
- Pre-operative nurse and clinical technician
- Anesthesiologist and/or Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)
- Surgeon
- Operating room nurse
Please ask any questions or share any concerns you may have at this time.
Immediately before and during your procedure
You will be wheeled or escorted to the operating room by the operating room nurse and anesthesiologist or CRNA. At this point your family member or companion will be directed to the Surgical Services Waiting Area.
Surgery progress tracking for family members
Your family member or companion can track your progress by viewing the flat screen monitor in the waiting area. In order to maintain your privacy, a unique identifier has been created for you. This will be given to you during registration.
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