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Department of Medicine - Inova Fairfax Hospital
Inova Fairfax Hospital, located on the Inova Fairfax Medical Campus, is the flagship hospital for Inova and a major referral center for Northern Virginia and the Washington, D.C. metro area. We are proud of the expertise and diversity of the 13 sections of the Department of Medicine.
The physicians who form the foundation for this medical community are comprised of specialists from our nation's top institutions. These clinicians – along with the latest cutting-edge technology – treat patients locally as well as globally.
Annual Report 2017 
In addition to the sections of cardiology, oncology, pulmonology, critical care, endocrinology, rheumatology, dermatology, allergy and immunology, nephrology, gerontology, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, and general internal medicine, the Inova Fairfax Hospital Department of Medicine maintains centers of excellence in cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease, liver disease, and cancer care management.
Inova Fairfax Hospital Department of Medicine maintains a fine balance of outstanding community-based physicians, as well as hospital-based clinicians. With some 894 beds in the institution, there are both hospitalists and general internists who coordinate the care of thousands of patients who receive treatment at Inova Fairfax Hospital.
In addition to its primary focus of providing outstanding clinical care, the Inova Fairfax Hospital Department of Medicine works jointly with Virginia Commonwealth University, George Mason University and industry leaders on progressive research. It is through these endeavors that the latest advances in medical science can be brought from the research laboratory to the patient bedside.
Inova Fairfax Hospital Department of Medicine, with over 35 years of teaching experience, trains tomorrow's experts today at both the medical student and resident levels. Major academic medical centers – including Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and Georgetown School of Medicine,– partner with Inova Fairfax Hospital Department of Medicine so that their students can take full advantage of the outstanding clinical educators within the department.
The educational program within the department is home to an award-winning faculty, who have been recognized both locally and nationally for their contribution to clinical education. Our faculty participate in regular faculty development activities, and we have two trained facilitators in one of the nation's most well-known faculty development programs, the Stanford Faculty Development Program in clinical teaching. Programs like these enable our faculty to enhance their effectiveness and versatility as educators.
The Department of Medicine continues to provide superb clinical service, both for general medicine and specialty medicine. Our teaching programs are exemplary and our research programs continue to be one of the strongest on the campus. We look forward to continued growth and success as we all work to improve the lives of our patients and educate the next generation of physicians.
Leadership Bios