Ostomy Services

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Ostomy Services

We provide the following ostomy services:

  • Pre-surgical ostomy site marking (for patients having surgery at an Inova hospital)
  • Pre-surgical education
    Patients will be given a pouching system to take home, informational brochures on the type of ostomy they will have (ileostomy, urostomy or colostomy) and how to care for their ostomy. Nurses will discuss clothing, lifestyle, exercise and dietary needs, as well as potential benefits and complications, both short- and long-term.
  • Post-surgical care and education
    Patients receive written home instructions, videos, pamphlets, information on how to obtain supplies and a description of the various pouching systems currently available. Patients with a colostomy may return, if necessary, to learn about irrigations (a bowel management program).
  • Appliance fitting and adjustments
    We offer problem-solving assistance for stomas that are poorly placed or constructed, flushed or retracted, as well as help with irregular abdominal contours. The goal is to obtain a minimal three-day wearing time.
  • Ostomy and peristomal skin assessments and treatments
  • One-on-one education for family and friends
